

Mobile Web Designing

The whole world is currently tempted by the mobile internet facility and especially India. You will be surprised to know the fact that more than 2.5 billion internet user or about 60% of the whole internet using people use mobile devices for internet access. Therefore, the sequence of events gives a big opportunity to businesses to do mobile internet business. Mobilizing your current website or making a fresh website is advised so that you can achieve your goals and targets, for the same. In any scenario, ABC is the most suitable and preferred Mobile Web Designing Services in India as it provides the most innovative and advanced websites.
You can communicate with us and give your specifications, and get a fascinating Mobile Website that will be accessible by all the mobile phones in the market. We provide our customers with websites that load easily, are easy to handle, consists quality web designs and is packed with advance features like click to call, mobile maps and social media integration. There are mainly two types of categories under which mobile websites can be classified, they are-

Separate mobile websites

Responsive mobile websites

With advantages, certain disadvantages also come after. You can choose according to your needs, which can suit you better and decide after ascertaining the pros and cons.
Separate Mobile Websites
The pages on separate mobile websites are conducted distinctively from your regular websites. Upon accessing from mobile phones, the URL changes to syntax like The demerits of such websites are that, you have to maintain two different websites, the regular one and the mobile website. Search engines also need to check the websites to find accordingly which cannot be very favourable.

Responsive Mobile Websites

Responsive Mobile Websites can be best described as one style sheet. They are capable of adapting to any device through which internet can be accessed. It is popular because you only have to maintain a single website unlike the separate mobile websites. Your website can be easily viewed on phone, tablets and desktops.



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